There is also an example of Iceland - a northern country with a harsh climate. The world's first industrial-scale geothermal power plant was launched there in 2014. It is built on a volcanic crater and receives energy from the Earth's magma (in this place, magma comes as close to the surface as possible, the temperature there reaches hundreds of degrees Celsius). Therefore, the wells at this station are not deep - only 2 km. The climate on Earth depends on many factors. We tell you what El Niño and La Niña are and how these events affect the entire planet What is El Niño El Niño is a phenomenon in which the equatorial Pacific Ocean becomes warmer than usual by no more than 3 ° C. The reverse process, temperature, is called.
These terms are translated from Spanish as "boy" and "girl" respectively. Events occur every 2-7 years and affect the climate in different parts of the Earth. The shift cycle is called the El Niño Southern Russia WhatsApp Number List Oscillation (ENSO) because every El Niño is naturally followed by a La Niña and vice versa. Between these events, normal temperatures are observed for several months. 3°C may not seem like much, but the change is enough to disrupt weather patterns on a global scale. Three-year La Niña will be replaced by El Niño in 2023 La Niña usually lasts two years in a row. However, now, since 2020, we are seeing a three-year.
The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has reported that the Equatorial Pacific will return to neutral between March and May 2023. Accordingly, it is likely that El Niño will begin in the fall of 2023 or the winter of 2024. Possible consequences of El Niño Given ENSO's impact on global precipitation and temperature patterns, scientists are keeping a close eye on the tropical Pacific. According to their calculations, El Niño in the coming years can lead to four consequences. Global temperature could rise by 0.2°C During El Niño.