Precisely these topics are discussed in the Persuasive Communication course created by us at Espero. Immediately below it in the layers panel. Translating in simple terms: a photo "enters" the contours of a shape, as in the case of a text or a shape. a simple example of a clipping mask in Photoshop. The inscription contains Vietnam Phone Number List a photo You want to fit an image of an ocean inside the word "ocean". Make sure you move the text layer under the ocean photo, remember, in the clipping mask something "above" goes in (ie gets cropped) with what's below. A text layer and a background image in Photoshop. You'll need to reverse their order to create a clipping mask Layers sorted such that.
A photo is clipped to the underlying text layer Once you've placed the layers in the right order, you have three options for creating a clipping mask in Photoshop: a) hold down the ALT or OPTION key and Vietnam Phone Number List contextually click the space in the levels panel between the two levels you are interested in (ie go between the two levels). b) select the upper level (the one that must enter the one below) and choose the commands from the menu: c) last option if you prefer keyboard shortcuts is to select the top layer and proceed with on Mac. ALT/Option-click the marked area to create a clipping mask in Photoshop's Layers panel Beyond Layer Masks in Photoshop.
The layer mask logic can also be extended and applied to layer groups and, which is very interesting for those who do professional photo editing, to adjustment layers (which you find in the homonymous panel). For example, when you create an adjustment layer such as "tonal values" you may want to intervene on a specific portion Vietnam Phone Number List of lights and shadows indistinctly throughout your photo. You can therefore take advantage of an initial selection and apply an adjustment layer as a second step; you will automatically see an alpha channel appear in the layers panel next to the adjustment