Power words Adding power words Belgium Phone Number List in a title can lower the CTR. These are words through which visitors perform a certain action or act. For example, consider the words 'sale', 'instant', 'guaranteed', 'free', 'gift' Belgium Phone Number List or 'beloved'. The study found that titles with power words had a 13.9% lower CTR, compared to titles without power words. Meta descriptions Writing a meta description for Belgium Phone Number List any web page can result in a higher CTR. Pages with the metdescription filled in get 5.8% more clicks than pages without this description.
Good to know: a meta Belgium Phone Number List description is not always quoted by Google. CTR influenced by external factors The results of the survey show which steps you can take to improve your CTA. But unfortunately: it is Belgium Phone Number List impossible to have control over your click-through rate. This is not only influenced by your own efforts, but also by external factors. If an ad is at the top, it will affect the CTR of the Belgium Phone Number List organic results that appear below the ad. In summary, you can pay attention to the following factors when optimizing a web page yourself: Be critical of the use of power words. Learn about the search query of your target audience.
Process questions in your Belgium Phone Number List text, but also in (SEO) titles. Always include the main keyword of a web page in its URL. Check that each web page has metadata filled in. For example, every web page must have a Belgium Phone Number List completed meta description and SEO title. Optimize landing page Many of these research results can be traced back to search engine optimization work. To implement page-level Belgium Phone Number List optimizations, I'll give tips on how to optimize a landing page. This allows you to increase the CTR on a page. Web users arrive at a landing page on your website via Google.