Schemes is also Chanel with its fragrances promising delight for the senses. This image has been created with great consistency since the time when Ma rylin Monroe the sex icon of the s and s was the face of Chanel. Who can build the image of the Lover This archetype fits perfectly with cosmetics, clothing brands, selling underwear, but also sweets sinful pleasures, exclusive jewelry, expensive wines or perfumes. Creator Brand Makers want to be perceived as creative, innovative, turning dreams into reality.
They like what is original, unique, they are visionaries who strive for continuous development and improvement of their products so that they fulfill even more functions. They do not whatsapp mobile number list follow others, but forge new paths themselves. They communicate to their recipients that they are creating something valuable and lasting. They often pose as artists, but those who know business well. Brands using this image creation scheme are, for example, Apple and Lego. The first of them.
Products of a completely new quality, technologically advanced and beyond any competition. The second creates blocks that allow more colorful and creative world. Who can build the image of the Creator Brands that produce high tech equipment, marketing companies, copywriters, architects, artists, all of these companies, create something innovative from this archetype. Guardian Creating the image of a brand Guardian is particularly demanding, because it requires maintaining authenticity in communication.