Then be sure to check out the interview with Joshua Keck CEO at dorfjungs a digital-first agency. He knows how good branding works and has a lot of tips up his sleeve. According to Joshua less is often more – also when it comes to color choice and typography. There are more tips in the video: Conclusion: Good BB branding is worth its weight in gold - especially in BB sales We have seen: good BB branding has an enormous impact. Not only on your external perception but also on your sales personality. On the one hand as a salesperson you represent your company and its products on the other hand you also represent yourself.
That is why you should pay special attention to yourself in personal branding. The company website reveals a lot about your potential BB customers. How come? Well it is mostly Latest Mailing Database the digital face of a company and contains a lot of information that you can easily take advantage of. In this article we will use a few examples to show you how this works and what you should pay attention to. Why are company websites so exciting especially in BB? Surely you have already been to a customer's website one or the other time during the acquisition process.
Why And if not: Why not? On the website and landing pages of a customer you not only find out which offers and services they offer or in which industry they are active. From a sales point of view many other factors suggest that you take more than just a quick look at the website of a target company! This can not only help you to narrow down your target group more precisely but also makes your marketing strategies - for example in account-based marketing - much more effective.