Experience and achievements
August 2019 - present
Corporación Académica Ambiental, Marine Sciences campus, Universidad de Antioquia (Turbo – Colombia)
Associate researcher
Septermber 2019 - Present
CEMarin - Corporation Center of Excellence in Marine Sciences (Bogotá – Colombia)
Postdoctoral research fellow
November 2015 - October 2017
Marine Biology Section, Department of Biology, Universidad del Valle (Cali - Colombia)
February 2010 - September 2015
Instituto de Ciencias Naturales Alexander von Humboldt, Universidad de Antofagasta (Antofagasta - Chile)
April 2014 - September 2015
Ph.D. Program in Applied Sciences-Coastal Marine Systems, Instituto de Ciencias Naturales Alexander von Humboldt, Universidad de Antofagasta (Antofagasta - Chile).
Head of program
May 2011 - September 2015
Undergraduate Program in Marine Ecology, Universidad de Antofagasta (Antofagasta-Chile)
Invited scientist
July 2007 - May 2009
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research. (Bremerhaven-Germany)
Associate editor
January 2021 - Present
Journal of animal Ecology – British Ecological Society
Review and guest editor
January 2014 - present
Academic editor
December 2018 - present